Welcome to Vuugo !
Q: I just created an account but cannot log into it.
A: Kindly be informed that all new accounts undergo a review by Vuugo before activation. This process may take up to 24 hours.
Q: How do I check my order status?
A: To inquire about your
order status, please log in to your existing account and navigate to "View
Your Order History" under the "My Orders" section.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: Vuugo currently accepts
online payments through Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, and Interac E-transfer. We
are not accepting American Express Cards.
Q: How can I submit a price match request?
A: For price match requests, kindly reach out to our Customer Service Representatives at 1-877-477-5707 or email us with the subject line "Price Match Request" at orders@vuugo.com.
Q: An item on the website is listed as backorder; how can I check the ETA for the next shipment?
A: To inquire about the ETA for backordered items, please contact our Customer Service Representatives via the chat box, phone (1-877-477-5707), or email at orders@vuugo.com. Note that some backordered items may not have ETAs or may be discontinued.
Q: What happens if one of the items I ordered is on backorder?
A: Vuugo will notify
customers via email regarding backordered items, offering alternatives or
suggesting proceeding without the backordered item. Orders will be put on hold
until further customer instruction. Additional shipping fees apply for separate
Q: How long does it take to ship my order? It’s been a few days since I placed my order, and the status is still listed as pending.
A: Order processing,
including payment verification, takes 1-2 business days. Delays may occur due
to billing information discrepancies. Once confirmed, orders are shipped
immediately if all items are in stock.
Q: How do I track my order?
A: To track your order, log
in to your account and navigate to "View Your Order History" under
"My Orders." Vuugo will also notify customers via email with tracking
information upon shipment.
Q: Does Vuugo offer free shipping?
A: Currently, Vuugo does not
provide free shipping.
Q: Does Vuugo have a pickup option?
A: All online orders are
shipped directly from Vuugo's warehouses across Canada. Pickup options are
Q: What happens if the delivery is returned back to Vuugo?
A: In cases of failed
delivery attempts, customers need to arrange pickup from the courier's local
depot. If packages are returned to Vuugo, a separate shipping fee is required
for redelivery.
Q: How do I change or cancel my order?
A: To modify or cancel an order,
please contact our Customer Service Representatives through the chat box, phone
(1-877-477-5707), or email with your order number at orders@vuugo.com.
Q: How can I request an RMA for a defective item or return an item I no longer need?
A: Please visit http://vuugo.com/returns/ and complete the form to request an RMA number.
Q: Does Vuugo pay for the return shipping?
A: Please be aware that
customers are responsible for covering return shipping costs regardless of
circumstances. Shipping fees and insurance incurred during the initial delivery
are non-refundable.